Meal Prep, cooking and cleanup can be time-consuming unless you have a plan. Cooking several meals a day for a family it can be quite a burden on one person. Sharing the tasks with family members is a huge relief for the cook and it gives an opportunity for children to learn how to cook.
Younger children can do simple tasks like setting the table and clearing dirty dishes. Older children can help prep meals and help clean up counters and put food away after the meal. Start simply by teaching children how to prepare an easy meal. This will be good training for their adult lives.
I am amazed at how many of my clients didn’t learn how to cook before they graduated! Living on snacks, fast foods, sodas, and desserts is a setup for health issues much earlier in life.
Also, teach them to put away their cell phone and have a conversation with the family. Share what they enjoyed about the day. This simple bonding ritual is almost lost in today’s family dynamics. Communication holds the family together! Make sure every voice is heard, with respect!
Teach children by example by demonstrating the importance of a balanced meal including:
Protein/ animal – poultry, beef, seafood, fish, wild game, dairy products
Protein/ vegetarian – nuts, seeds, peas, beans, protein powder smoothies
Vegetables – leafy, roots, fruit (squash, tomatoes, avocado are fruits!)
Gluten free grains
Beans and peas
Nuts and seeds
Fruit for dessert
Include healthy beverages like:
Pure water
Vegetable juice
Herbal and green teas
Vegetable and fruit smoothies
These nutrient-dense foods and beverages will promote energy, vitality, mental alertness, immunity, repair of tissues and organs, and happy moods.