
Nutritious Snacks 

 May 31, 2020

By  Dr. Joy Lasseter

Dr. Joy’s Golden Recipe Collection

Delicious and Nutritious Snacks

In our busy world we often grab packaged processes snacks or meals in a hurry.  This temporarily satisfies our appetite.  But it often does not satisfy our body’s needs for nutrients.

Nutrients are the vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats our body must have to build and repair cells, organs and systems.

A little planning ahead can make a huge difference in our health and longevity.  Plan your meals for the week and write items on our shopping lists.  This will save you money on expensive meals out and snacks that leave you always wanting more.  Leaving food choices to the last minute or to impulse buying is a recipe for poor future health.

It’s just as important to be prepared in advance for those times when you know you usually reach for caffeine or sugar.  Have these on hand to stop the cravings and restore your energy and mental focus. 

Fruit:  1/2 Banana, Apple, Berries, Pear, Tangerine, Seasonal Fruit

Vegetables:  Carrot, Celery, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Sugar Snap Peas

Grains:  Oat or Rice Crackers, Blue Corn Chips, Bean Chips

Beans:  Low Fat Bean Dip, Beans on Salad, Beans in Tortilla

Raw Nuts and Seeds:  Almonds, Walnuts, Sunflowers, Pumpkins



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