I know, we are all tired of feeling restrained. Let’s not fall into the blame game of pointing fingers at others. This Pandemic doesn’t choose it’s victims. There is no political, financial or economical conspiracy to this disease. It is a collective experience for all of us. It doesn’t matter which beliefs we hold, which church we go to, or whether we think this virus is real or fake news. It is a killer. It is a scientific fact that the virus is real, it is taking lives, and it will be with us for wave after wave to come, until we unite with a comprehensive plan and national cooperation.
In every past pandemic precautions were taken and they did help when everyone cooperated. This pandemic is different. It is global and has higher death counts! We have even more reason to guard against careless behaviors that could escalate spikes in cases and increase deaths. Here is a quick review of past pandemics for perspective.
Brief History of Pandemics in the United States (source: HealthLIne.com)
1633 – 1634: Smallpox from European settlers (variola virus, vaccine now available)
1793 – present: Yellow Fever from the Caribbean (ongoing in some countries spread by mosquitoes, vaccine available, get a shot if traveling to high risk areas)
1832 – 1866: Cholera in 3 waves from India (from contaminated water and unsanitary conditions, vaccine available for travel into high risk areas, still causes about 95,000 deaths globally)
1858 – Scarlet Fever in several waves: (from bacteria after Strep Throat infection, no vaccine, use antibiotics, ongoing in some countries)
1906 – 1907: Typhoid Fever virus (spread by carrier, rare today, vaccine available, 25,830 deaths in New York)
1918 – to present: H1N1 Flu (Spanish Flu, strain that circles the globe every year with a new mutation. Vaccine was created in 1942)
1912 – Measles: (first cases in United States, vaccine became available in 1963)
1921 – 1925: Diphtheria Epidemic (bacterial disease, 206,000 cases, vaccinations available)
1916 – 1955: Polio (virus that affects nervous system causing paralysis, no cure, vaccination before travel recommended in certain areas, in 1952 reported cases were 57,628, and 3145 deaths)
1957 – H2N2 Flu: Bird Flu from Singapore and Hong Kong. (Thought to transfer to pigs, could jump to humans in future, 116,000 deaths in USA, vaccine now available)
1981-1991: Second Measles outbreak (very contagious virus, spreads through the air, almost all children got it before the vaccine was available. Resurgence caused second dose of vaccine to be recommended to all children, finally declared eliminated in 2000, but travelers abroad can bring it home and infect the unvaccinated)
2009 – H1N1 Flu: (Swine Flu, 60.8 million cases, 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths in USA, H1N1 vaccine was available in late Dec. 2009, virus still circulates and mutates annually)
2010-2014: Whooping Cough (highly contagious Pertussis and one of most common diseases in USA, outbreaks occur every 3 – 5 years, vaccination recommended)
1980 – present: HIV and the final stage of the disease AIDS (damages immune system and compromises ability to fight off diseases, transmission risk can be reduced by using safety measures, no cure or vaccine, medical treatment is available)
2020 – Covid-19: SARS -CoV-2 virus that causes the disease Covid-19, (from Wuhan City, China, has spread around the world, with a record 1,420,000 global deaths and 262,000 total US deaths, to date. And our US death rate is currently rising at 45,179 per day, nationwide and breaking previous daily records)
Dr. Joy’s Practical Recommendations
Let’s stop fighting, and blaming. Let’s work together as a team, building our immunity, eat organic foods, walk outside when weather permits, wash our hands frequently, wear a mask and keep social distance and keep calm, so we can survive and together we can conquer this pandemic! This will require patience, self discipline and fortitude! And the rewards are lives saved!
What do you have to be thankful for this holiday? I am grateful for the little things, a sunny day, my health, to hear a friend’s voice on the phone, and having a roof over my head when so many have lost their homes in the forest fires. If you are able, please donate to your local food pantries and shelters for our less fortunate neighbors.